Feedback is critical if you want to improve.
But how should you handle feedback? Unsolicited or otherwise.
- If your values do not align with the values and goals of the person who gave the feedback, you are free to ignore this feedback, as it’s likely unhelpful.
- If your values align, but you or the majority disagree, you are still free to not act on the feedback, but you might want to consider it a little.
- You agree, but you don’t want to change. i.e. “You write rubbish groovy code” I might not need that in my day-to-day job, so I don’t need to improve, but I might decide to delegate groovy code to someone else, if I’m causing issues.
- Agree and want to change. This is good feedback/advice, and you should act upon it.
If you act on feedback from everyone, you won’t get much work done, so make sure you are using suitable filters.