IT & Business Acronyms

2FA2 Factor Authentication

AADAzure Active Directory

ADSLAsymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line

ALDOAgile, Lean & DevOps

ALGApplication Layer Gateway

ATMAsynchronous Transfer Mode

APIApplication Programming Interface

APNAccess Point Name (telecoms)

AWSAmazon Web Services

B2BBusiness to Business

B2BUABack to Back User Agent (telecoms)

B2CBusiness to Consumer

BDDBehaviour Driven Development

BINDBerkeley Internet Name Domain (Implementation of DNS)

BGP Border Gateway Protocol

BSDBerkeley Software Distribution

CACertificate Authority

CAMELCustomised Applications for Mobile Networks Enhanced Logic (telecoms)

CCRCall Completion Rate (telecoms)

CDContinuous Delivery

CDIOConceive Design Implement Operate

CIContinuos Integration

CLICaller Line Identification

CLECCompetitive Local Exchange Carrier (telecoms)

CRMCustomer Relationship Manager

CMDBConfiguration Management Database

CMOChief Marketing Office

CMPChange Management Process

CMS (1) – Content Management System

CMS (2) – Configuration Management System (ITIL)

CNCommon Name / Canonical Name

COBITControl Objectives for Information and Related Technologies

COTS Common Off The Shelf

CPLCall Processing Language (telecoms)

CRMCustomer Relationship Manager

CSI CAMEL Subscriber Information (telecoms)

CTIComputer Telephony Integration (telecoms)

CUBE Cisco Unified Border Element (Cisco’s SBC, telecoms)

CVECommon Vulnerability and Exposures

DDI (UK) – Direct Dial In

DID (US) – Direct Inward Dialling (US)

DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

DNSDomain Name System

DREADDamage potential, Reproducibility, Exploitability, Affected users, Discoverability

DSLDigital Subscriber Line

DTMF Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (telecoms)

DVCSDistributed Version Control System (such as Git, Mercurial, Bazaar or Darcs)

EC2Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon)

ERPEnterprise Resource Planning

ETLExtract, Transform & Load

EVExtended Validation

FOSSFree and Open Source Software

FTP File Transfer Protocol

GDPRGeneral Data Protection Regulation

GNUGNU’s Not Unix

GPLGeneral Public License (usually GNU GPL)

GRSGeo Redundant Storage

IETFInternet Engineering Task Force

HAN Hosted Area Network

HSMHardware Security Module

HSRPHot Standby Router Protocol

HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol

IaCInfrastructure as Code

IaaSInfrastructure as a Service

ILECIncumbent Local Exchange Carrier (telecoms)

IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol (Email retrieval)

IOPSInput / Output operations Per Second

IoTInternet of Things

IPInternet Protocol

ISTIncremetal State Transfer

ITILInformation Technology Infrastructure Library (service management framework)

ITSMInformation Technology Service Management

ITSPInternet Telephony Service Provider (telecoms)

KPI – Key Performance Indicator

KTKnowledge Transfer

LANLocal Area Network

LCRLeast Cost Routing

LIDLive Implementation Date

LMALogging, Monitoring & Alerting

LRSLocally Redundant Storage

LTELong Term Evolution (mobile telecoms)

MDRManaged Detection & Response Links (1, 2 & 3 there are so many others)

MNOMobile Network Operator

MOPMethod Of Procedure (Savvis/CenturyLink instructions for a managed change)

MNVOMobile Network Virtual Operator

MPLMozilla Public License

MSK – Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka

MSRNMobile Station Roaming Number (telecoms)

MTAMail Transport Agent (email)

MTRMy TraceRoute (formerly Matt’s TraceRoute), ping and traceroute functionality combined.

MTUMaximum Transmission Unit

NAPTRName Authority PoinTeR (telecoms)

NAS – Network-Attached Storage

NATNetwork Address Translation

NFRNon-Functional Requirement

NFSNetwork File System

OASOnline Application System

OOADObject Orientated Analysis & Design

OSSOpen Source Software

ONT Optical Network Terminal

OTGOn The Go

PaaSPlatform as a Service

PBXPrivate Branch Exchange (telecoms)

PCAP Packet Capture

PHPPHP Hypertext Preprocessor (previously known as Personal Home Page)

PKIPublic Key Infrastructure

POPPost Office Protocol (email)

PRINCEProjects In Controlled Environments

PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network

QoS Quality of Service

QWACQualified Website Authentication Certificate

RAMRandom Access Memory

RBACRole Based Access Control

RDSRelational Database Service (Amazon Service)

RFCRequest For Comments

RHELRedHat Enterprise Linux

RPM Redhat Package Manager

RTPReal-time Transport Protocol (telecoms)

RTSPReal-time Streaming Protocol (telecoms)

RSVPResource Reservation Protocol (telecoms)

S3 – Simple Storage Service (Amazon)

SaaSSoftware as a Service

SAN Storage Area Network

SAPSession Announcement Protocol (telecoms)

SASSerially Attached SCSI

SATASerial AT Attached storage

SBCSession Border Controller (telecoms)

SCMSource Control Management (otherwise known as Version Control, or Revision Control)

SDPSession Description Protocol (telecoms)

SDSLSymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line

SFPSmall Form-factor Pluggable (a small pluggable module with an optical transceiver or copper port on an enterprise switch)

SIP (1) – Session Initiation Protocol (telecoms)

SIP (2) – Service Improvement Plan (ITIL)

SIP ALGSession Initiation Protocol Application Layer Gateway

SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol

SNATSource Network Address Translation

SNIServer Name Indication

SNMPSimple Network Message Protocol

SOA Service Orientated Architecture

SRVSeRVice Record (telecoms), Cross between a CNAME and MX record, contains a CNAME port number and weight.

SSDSolid State Drive

SSLSecure Socket Layer

SSTState Snapshot Transfer (Percona/MySQL)

STUNSession Traversal Utilities for NAT

TCPTransmission Control Protocol

TDDTest Driven Development

TLSTransport Layer Security

TOGAFThe Open Group Architecture Framework

ToSTerms of Service

TTFBTime To First Byte

TTS Text To Speech (telecoms)

UAUser Agent (SIPS)

UACUser Agent Client (SIPS)

UASUser Agent Server (SIPS)

URLUniversal Resource Locator

USBUniversal Serial Bus

VCSVersion Control System (also known as Revision Control, Source Control)

VoIPVoice over Internet Protocol

VLSMVariable Length Subnet Masks

VRRPVirtual Router Redundancy Protocol

WAN Wide Area Network